Meet Dave McDermott, one of our online coaches

15 Apr 2020 16:47PM by User Not Found



We have recently launched our Online Coaching platform. Meet Dave McDermott.


Why did you get into fitness?

It has always been a part of my life. I had it ingrained in me to do well at school and part of that was trying out for all the sports teams. I also played football, hockey and karate outside of school.


Why is health and fitness so important?

My body is going to be with me for my entire life so I want to take good care of it. I enjoy chilling out, eating lots of food and having a few drinks as much as the next person, but I do it in moderation so it doesn’t impact my overall fitness. I enjoy having a structure in place for my fitness so I don’t have to think too much about what to do when it’s time to exercise. It helps me be mentally prepared for my workouts and I feel accomplished when I complete what I set out to. I tend to work out in the mornings because it makes me feel so good and it clears my mind, which is great for my mental health. It really sets me up well for the rest of the day because I get such positive energy from it and I feel free to enjoy other things in life.


Favourite way to train?

I love lifting weights. I used to play a lot of football and did a lot of running, but as soon as I became a PT I fell in love with the idea of getting stronger and mastering movements (safety first!). I also like HIIT training for the buzz I get after and it lasts the whole day. I couldn’t do any of this and stay injury-free if I didn’t take a more holistic approach to my training. I love taking time to foam roll and stretch because I appreciate the benefits I get from it. I sometimes skip the weights so I can do a session just on recovery. I have dabbled in the occasional yoga or Pilates class too, it’s quite nice to be coached on something I’m not as good at and I know it will help me with my other training. I have now done a few reformer pilates classes and I think it is my new favourite of the bunch!

What does rest day look like?

Where is the rest muscle and how do I train it? Just kidding! Either doing something fun like mini-golf or bowling, lazing around on the sofa watching Netflix, or out for a pub lunch and maybe a cheeky glass of red wine - shhh don’t tell anyone. Rest is super important to prevent overtraining and injuries. Our muscles can take up to 10 days to recover from a tough workout so if I’m feeling a little too sore or tight, or even low on energy, I’ll postpone the tough workout, grab a foam roller and take the time to stretch and recover my body. If I’m itching to get moving then I might do some light work or active recovery, namely some dynamic stretches and movements or light cardio.

What is your favourite move?

If you asked me a couple of years ago I would have said the deadlift, hands down. Now I think it’s the squat. I’ve always appreciated it’s benefits as it really does work the whole body, but I used to be scared of it. Now I understand how to move with better technique, I really enjoy it and I’m much more confident. Away from the gym, I like to practice this movement with just bodyweight and see how deep I can go without losing my core.

Maintaining a good core is all about bracing your muscles around your spine, in your torso, to hold a strong, stable and neutral position. If the squat is something you have not practiced much before, your natural range will most likely be between 90-degrees at the hips and thighs parallel with the floor. You can work on your mobility by foam rolling and stretching your muscles around the hips, knees and ankles. This will allow you to get deeper into the squat whilst maintaining a good core.

Once you’ve nailed the squat, you can make it more challenging by slowing the move down and giving your muscles more time under tension. You can do a split squat variation to put more load onto the front leg. These methods are great for you to do in the comfort of your home, and the beauty of it is that you can do these exercises any time any place!

What would you be doing if not fitness?

Selling cruises. Random, I know, but I’ve been on 4 cruise ships and I absolutely love them so I think I’d be quite good at selling them. I really enjoy holidays and seeing the world. Also, they’ve got quite nice gyms on board!

Why should I try online Personal Coaching?

If you have a goal that is important to you and you’ve either struggled to achieve it or never known where to start, then this is for you. If you lack motivation, accountability or know-how, then this is for you. If you want to become empowered and learn not only how to get great results but also how to sustain them by yourself, then this is for you. Click here to get started.


What’s for lunch?

Any sandwich - the fuller, the better. Eggs and smoked salmon for breakfast, steak and any carb of my choosing for dinner mmm... obviously with lots of healthy veg to accompany it! Or fajitas, can’t go wrong with fajitas.

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